Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Special Thank You From FFL

On Wednesday, October 22, Erick Bauer and Steve Cameron ,of The Friends For Life Foundation, had the privilege of meeting with the nursing staff of the Oncology Unit at SickKids hospital. The meeting was part of a formal cheque presentation to SickKids on behalf of FFL.

The Friends For Life Foundation would like to personally thank the doctors, nurses, and support staff at SickKids for their hard work and dedication. Everyday, these incredible individuals work tirelessly to end childhood cancer.

Not only do they provide important health care to hundreds of sick children every year; they also provide strength, courage and love at a time when it is needed the most. Amazingly, these inspirational individuals rarely receive recognition for their work. Their efforts are entirely selfless.

That being said, The Friends For Life Foundation would like to once again thank and recognize the staff at SickKids for their unrelenting contribution to the fight against cancer. You truly are an inspiration to us all!

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